Justin Long, LLC

Creating Clarity in Website Design

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What Makes A Website Effective?

Visual Clarity 

If your website is cluttered, it’s confusing. If it’s confusing, people aren’t going to waste time trying to figure it out.

Clarity of Purpose

When someone clicks on your site for the first time, they need to know within 5 seconds what you do, how it can make their life better, and how they can get what you offer.

Clarity of Use

If it’s hard to find things on your site, people will look somewhere else for it, i.e. on your competitor’s website. Overwhelming volumes of information or menu items lead to confusion.

Clarity of Consumer Identity

You have to know who you’re talking to. For example, I know that you either own or run a small business, you have website problems, and you don’t have the time or expertise to fix it yourself. Therefore, I can speak directly to you about your problems, and offer solutions.

Clarity of Solution

People need to know how you are going to solve their problem, and that the solution is simple and within their financial reach.

Clarity in Website Design = Success

If it’s easy for people to understand who you are, what you do, and how they can benefit from your product or service, then it’s easy for them to decide to do business with you. 

Your business should be:

  • Easy to find online
  • Easy to engage with
  • Easy to contact
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